Hunt for the best prices

The world over, prices vary from one franchised distributor to another. Our purchase savings service hunt these price changes to ensure you achieve savings.

Cost Savings

Don’t be left out of great deals

Prices can vary from one franchised distributor to another.

Buying directly from the manufacturer does not always mean getting the best deal.

Establishing a market of franchised suppliers doesn’t always mean getting the best price.

We have excellent relationships with hundreds of distributors, franchised or OEMs worldwide allowing us to have access to hundreds of thousands of references.

We can help you optimize your costs on your most common or most expensive references and achieve a positive difference on the purchase price.

Cost Savings

Our cost savings solution can help you

Global price variations

Benefit from the existing price differences globally among various franchised distributors.

Scale-driven savings

Consolidate your purchases. Minimizes the number of suppliers, reduces logistics and administrative tasks.

Over 1000 suppliers

We have established trusted relationships with more than 1000 suppliers globally, including over 400 franchised distributors.

Delivery according to your needs

Get your electronic components delivered according to your needs. Plan your orders for sustained supply.

Quote in 24h

Responsiveness is essential in our business. We are committed to answering to your quotation requests in less than 24 hours.

Guaranteed parts

Our electronic components are guaranteed. We ensure the best market conditions for your supplies.

Cost Savings

Our leading brands

Our commitment to quality

Peace of mind with our electronic components

Quality is our top priority. The fear of low-quality components is valid. Defective, poorly stored or counterfeit components pose major risk and can be costly.

That’s why you prefer ordering through franchised distribution, even if it means paying more and waiting longer.

We guarantee reliable components, at lower prices than official distribution. Our rigorous and thorough quality process elimiantes any doubts.

Soyez sereins avec nos composants électroniques

Reach out to us

Buy the electronic components you need at the best prices

For more details on how we can fulfill your obsolete or shortage component needs, please complete the form and we will contact you promptly.